Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nicaraguan Outreach 2010

The Nicaraguan Outreach, was an event for both the young and old. The Hand of Hope medical outreach treated 3,377 patients. Twin Rivers and Light Force helped build a school. T-Bone, Paul Roam and Light Force preached the good news to the people of El Timal. Souls were saved, people were loved on, priosners were visited, New Testaments were distributed, 16,885 prescritptions filled, Joyce Meyer books freely distributed and ISOM was introduced to the prison. Overall the Nicaraguan Outreach was a HUGE success.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hand of Hope Medical Outreach Nicaragua 2010

A team of 24 saints from across the US and as far away as Ireland, came to Nicaragua to conduct a medical clinic.
Some 3,377 patients were seen, 16,000+ prescriptions filled, 1,220 teeth were extracted and 177 people accepted Jesus Christ as Lord. Caseloads of Tracts, New Testaments and Christina books were distributed.
A very special thank you to Joyce Meyer Ministries for making a HUGE difference in the lives of the Latin American Community.

Construction project and T-Bone concert next. Pray we can make a difference!